Sep 7Liked by ASH

You just beautifully shared thoughts I never knew how to articulate! I now feel a little less alone knowing that there are others who have felt this way while ‘doing life alone’ too.

Thank you for this beautiful piece!

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Sep 7Author

Thank you so much Ann-Louise! I feel like it's hard for people to talk about because others think it comes off as 'poor me' but it's not that. It's so much more nuanced than the pity party it seems to get labeled. I'm so glad it resonated with you. You are not alone in this my friend ❤️✨

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I’ve been wanting to sit down and write something about this very feeling for so long, but haven’t been able to articulate it the way that you have here. This is such a uniquely specific experience, but one that I think is universal for those of us who are in the middle of it, and you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for this.<3

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Sep 8Author

I’m so glad it resonated with you. And although I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, the feedback I’ve had since posting has been overwhelming and it’s so nice to know we’re not alone in these feelings - really appreciate having you here 🥰✨

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Stop, get out of my head! This is exactly how I’ve been feeling about being single - just tired. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a partner I want or more of a community? Maybe both? Thanks so much for articulating these feelings!

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Sep 8Author

I seem to have gotten into a lot of people's heads with this, haha... but I take that as a good sign that we're not alone in our aloneness. But the tired feeling is is a hard one to escape lately. But I feel you on the partner/community part... I definitely think it's a bit of both, at least for me. So glad this piece resonated with you... I'm packing up to get out of your head now 😉✨

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Sep 8Liked by ASH

I saw your tiktok post and signed up for substack just to read this. Thank you for articulating your thoughts and feelings so eloquently. This resonates with me so deeply because it fully echoes my sentiments on going through life by myself, and it gives me so much comfort knowing that I’m not alone in feeling this way. 🩷

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Sep 8Author

Vanessa! Thank you so much for being here ✨ I'm so happy this piece resonated with you as it has others. We've got to stick together, because it's so evident we're not alone in these feelings. ❤️

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I have done exactly the same thing, TikTok to here.

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Sep 8Liked by ASH

This resonates with me so much, you’ve put into words how I’ve been feeling for a really long time. Thank you ❤️

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Sep 8Author

I’m so glad it resonated with you so much! Thank you for being here ✨❤️🫂

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I continue to love your writing, so well said. I sometimes question if I can ever be coupled again after being alone so long, though you are right, its about finding someone to compliment the life already built. Appreciate your beautiful words.

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Sep 6Author

Thank you so much Mallory 🙏🏻❤️✨

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Sep 6Liked by ASH

Good morning! I also just moved to London in my mid 30's three months ago not knowing anyone at all. Following your content has been great, this one in particular is very relatable. If you're looking for someone to grab tea with or a buddy as you explore London I am very much available :)

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Sep 6Author

Thanks so much Keaton! Appreciate you being here and glad this piece resonated with you :)

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Would love to know more about you’ve made your life full. I know the post was about the burden or weight of doing it alone.

But having managed to make it full is such a success and a win (from my pov)!

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This just hit my heart in the most beautiful way and made me feel so much better about living life alone in hopeful manner. Exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you!

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Wow you put into words everything I've been feeling the past couple of years. People don't realize how exhausting it is to be the single friend. I call it being the "planner friend" because all I do is reach out to the people I hold dear to make sure they can carve out time for me but it sucks to never have that reciprocated because they all other people to fill their days. It's nice to see that so many others are feeling the same way even though I would never wish that tiredness on anyone else.

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I did not expect Tik tok to hit me with something so resonant today. I have sent this to everyone important in my life today because I could not possibly articulate this better.

Thank you for putting to words what I have struggled for years to find the words for.

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Thank you, Ann-Louise. I found this to be touching and truthful. I occasionally spend a week away from my partner and I find it challenging, emotionally, so you have shone a light upon the subject. Bravo.

A courageous piece!

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I’ve struggled for so long to put into words exactly how it feels for every aspect of my life to be forged completely by myself and I can’t believe how well you have articulated exactly how I feel about it. Thank you so much for sharing this, Ash ❤️

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Reading this was like reading my own thoughts. Articulated very well & reading this along with some of the comments has made me feel so much more reassured. Thank you for this written piece & to others who have also commented :)

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