I’ve also recently found your TikTok and your content resonated with me as well. As a 28 year old, I’m in the midst of my “pivot”. In less than a week, I’ll be moving to Spain for a few months. I’m not sure what will come of it, but all I know is it’s the right step into whatever direction I’m heading to. Finding your content and following your journey has been comforting knowing I’m not doing this next step alone and there are many others like me.

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I recently found your tik toks and your content has really been resonating with me. I've lived in London for the past 3 years and I am starting to feel a bit burned out, and like I need a pivot. So this post came at exactly the right time. I've been considering moving back home to Delhi again because I have been craving the familiarity. comfort and a slower life for a bit but I cant seem to convince myself that its the right place for me. Anyways, the uncertainty of not knowing if it will work out is scary. But thank you for sharing your thoughts <3

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